Never Stop Learning
Let’s talk about cultivating health, living with purpose, and dying with dignity.
Practicing Preventive Medicine In Our Daily Lives
It's so easy to take our state of wellness for granted, and we have no way of fathoming how precious it is until it's gone. Understanding the basis of preventive medicine and how to realistically incorporate it into our daily lives will help us preserve our health and enjoy wellness for many years to come!
It Is A Smart Patient Who Asks Their Doctor This Question
In every instance that a patient has asked me this question, I was more than happy to give them a detailed answer. Medical providers are not miracle workers – they are knowledgeable. That knowledge is what you need to leverage.
Why I walked away from becoming an MD – And what I learned when I did
I knew so many intelligent, talented, dedicated people and we all knew that only a handful of us who applied would actually get accepted. After years of grinding work, of watching myself and my classmates put school above everything else in our lives, I realized something – it was never going to stop.